[HTML5 Game] Introducing All Star Racing and 5 other web games

 [PC&MOBILE] All Star Racing

All Star Racing combines four distinct racing modes: GT Racer, Stockcar Frenzy, Classic Cars, and Supercar Challenge .

Pre-race options include difficulty setting (easy, medium or hard), number of laps (3-lap sprints to 15-lap endurance races), Dualshock vibration, and sound volume adjustments .

This budget title from Mud Duck Productions offers single races against five computer-controlled opponents and a choice of three cars per racing style .

No multiplayer or career modes are available .

Each race style includes three courses and three types of vehicles .

The classic cars (Stalwort, Belling V2, and SK MK2) race on or through mountains, hillsides, and forests .

GT cars (GSX, GT2R and CRX2) run at Iona, Boulder, and Hampton speedways, while Champ Team, File Team, and SPD Team stockcars race on runway, countryside, and urban tracks .

The super cars (Pina 238, Fenzo 500, and Manelli 748) compete on hills, ridges, and a forest-valley track .

All Star Racing includes GT, stockcar, super cars, and classics racing on a limited number of fictional tracks .

Though released in 2002, All Star Racing's graphics and gameplay are reminiscent of early to mid-90s racing titles .

Manufacturer's description: All Star Racing brings together four of the most challenging racing games ever created .

* Feel the high speed adrenaline rush of GT Cars .

* Race the mountain roads in a sophisticated Classic Car of yesteryear .

* Take control of the wheel in your high performance Super Car .

* Climb into the driving seat of a hi-tech Stock Car .

* Your every driving need is now fulfilled .

Features: Third or First person perspectives .

3D graphics Cartoon graphics Racing theme .

Alien Trilogy is a first-person shooter that combines all three Alien movies into one quest broken into three chapters .

Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of its respective movie, but does not follow the order in which they were released .

You begin on LV426--the setting of the sequel, Aliens .

The game then flows into the prison colony of Alien 3 and finally comes to a close aboard the derelict spacecraft from the original Alien .

Regardless of their order, each quest requires the completion of missions loosely based on those of the movies .

They range from going from point A to point B to destroying the Queen's nest .

Each one intertwines with the overall story line, which is told via cinema sequences rendered and inspired by the movies .

Also lifted from the movies are the way the three sections are presented in atmosphere, mood, and level design .

Most corridors are dark and ominous and attempt to embrace the player with a feeling of suspense and fear .

All of the creatures seen in the movies have been included, such as the face-hugger and regular aliens .

If it's not killed fast enough, the former will jump up on your face/screen and begin sucking your life away .

Alien Trilogy is for one player only .

Playing with the lights off or on is entirely up to you.

Geiger's Alien creature, still ranks as one of the big screens greatest creations, spawning three very good movies, Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 .

Here we have Acclaim pitting the player against the Alien in a game based on the successful trilogy of films .

The game is split into three sections, with the first revolving around the story line of the second movie, Aliens, where the objective is to explore LV426, seek out the stricken colonists and clear an access for the Marine landing .

The second section is set on Fiorina, the isolated prison colony, where your objectives are reminiscent of the Alien 3 story line .

The third and final section is loosely based on the crashed Alien ship, which appeared briefly in the Alien movie .

The plot for each section is explained via a series of intermission FMV scenes, which would not look out of place in any of the movies .

There are thirty three levels and bonus areas, with each of the three sections concluding with a battle with the Queen who must be defeated in order to advance further .

Manufacturer's description: Alien Trilogy features all the gut-churning fear of the complete Alien saga in one black-death, white-knuckle nightmare .

Welcome to the first-person, 3-D blitzkrieg of overwhelming horror that no one can resist! This is the hottest game around! You're Ripley .



and you're facing over 30 levels of hell! They've lost contact with the colonists on LV426 .

The Company sent you there to find out what happened .

You hope that there is just some communications problem .

but deep down, you know .

they're back! But you haven't come unprepared .

You're packing the state-of-the-art alien-killer tool kit! Features: First person perspective .

3D graphics Cartoon graphics SCI-FI, Futuristic & Aliens themes .

Ellen Ripley has been through a lot in the course of her encounters with the mysterious xenomorphs she and her Nostromo crew discovered nearly three centuries ago .

She's battled soldiers, queens, mutant varieties, and even experienced her own death, but now she's been brought back by a team of scientists hungry to gain access to the alien queen hosted in her body at the time of her demise .

Yet something during the cloning process changed her .

She now has aspects of the aliens she has so long despised .

Acid blood, super strength, adept senses .

is she still even human? But is no time for philosophical debate, because the aliens bred by the queen extracted from her are loose on the research ship USM Auriga, and it's up to Ripley to protect the crew and the whole of Earth from being infested .

Once again, it's up to Ellen Ripley to save the day .

Take on the role of Ripley and three other characters in Alien Resurrection for the PlayStation, a first-person shooter from Fox Interactive .

Based on the 1997 film, you'll take on a whole host of alien opponents as you make your way through the dim corridors of the military research vessel on which you've been involuntarily trapped .

The game will take you throughout the Auriga, both above and below water, and you'll have to battle aliens in their various forms of gestation as well as military personnel who've been ordered to silence you permanently .

Many familiar items will be available to you during the course of the game, including the familiar motion tracker that sounds a telltale beep when danger is at hand .

Along the way you'll pick up 11 weapons of various strength, from pistols and shotguns all the way to rocket launchers, lasers and electric guns .

The plot will reveal some sudden allies for Ripley, and at certain points of the game, you'll even control them in their own levels .

Manufacturer's description: GET READY TO MET THE MOTHER OF ALL ALIENS Ellen Ripley died trying to wipe out the Aliens .

Now, 200 years later, scientists have resurrected Ripley-along with the Alien Queen-hoping to create the ultimate weapon .

Teamed with a crew of renegade space pirates on a research vessel headed for Earth, they must fight for survival and destroy the Aliens once and for all .

Try to outwit the Alien intelligence as they communicate with each other; react to sound and player tactics; and hunt alone and in packs .

Stay Alert .

Watch your back .

Aliens can run along walls and ceilings .

Ambient sound and game sound effects straight from the ALIEN RESURRECTION movie Features: First person perspective .

3D graphics Cartoon graphics SCI-FI, Futuristic & Aliens themes .

Z-Axis and Take 2 Interactive's Alexi Lalas International Soccer brings the global sport to your PlayStation .

Players are greeted with two options -- a friendly match and the tournament .

The former is simply a single game against a friend or the computer .

In both modes, players have the option to choose from 70 actual international teams complete with real rosters .

The real meat and potatoes lies within the tournament aspect .

Once a team has been selected, the objective is to guide them to the World Cup -- the supreme objective in soccer .

After a team plays three matches, the knock-out tournament begins .

Weaker teams that are prone to losing are then dropped from the tournament as the quarterfinals begin .

Tournaments are played just like the real thing -- commit an offense and you'll be penalized! The game uses official and up-to-date rulings (circa 1999) for international soccer .

Like Electronics Arts says, "If it's in the game, it's in the game" -- Alexi Lalas Soccer features a wide variety of goal kicks, back-passes, slides, shin hits, etc .

In order to achieve the World Cup, it will be up to the player to manage his or her team successfully .

To do this, you'll need to set up strategies depending on the team you're playing, initiate player substitutions and keep your eye focused on the gameplay .

On each given team, you have the option of comparing each player in skill -- this becomes very useful for setting up squad formations (28 in all) .

Depending on your players' skills, you may want to set up a squad for attacking and a squad for defense .

How you choose to do it is entirely up to you! Alexi Lalas International Soccer comes equipped with over 250 motion captured soccer actions courtesy of Eric Wynalds who coincidentally is on the United States team with Alexi Lalas .

Additionally, it combines high-resolution graphics with a variety of different camera angles (six in all) .

There is also an option to play the game in Spanish .

Manufacturer's description: ALEXI LALAS INTERNATIONAL SOCCER focuses on gameplay .

Players can manage the tactics and strategies of their team with ease--you make all the important decisions .

If the need arises, players can also create their own formations to exploit the weaknesses of the other team .

All of the subtleties of soccer are here including 250 motion-captured animations .

Along with excellent gameplay, there are tons of game options available: pick one of 70 real-world teams and play in a tournament to claim domination, or play a friendly match to get a quick soccer fix; play in a day game or night game; play with Alexi or against him .

ALEXI LALAS INTERNATIONAL SOCCER will help you see why soccer is the most popular sport in the world .

ALL-STAR GAMEPLAY Over 70 international teams Multiple camera angles Over 250 motion captured movements Features: Third person perspective .

3D graphics Cartoon graphics Soccer theme .

Akurji the Heartless is a free-roaming 3D action game .

The player character, Akuji, can attack enemies with retractable claws or use spells to light enemies on fire, summon demons, and possess the bodies of enemies .

Air Race Championship is the second one in the Bravo Air Race Series .

The player can compete in Flying racing championship against other planes .

The game features an air plane museum where you can see a lot of planes & his characteristics .

Game Modes: - Grand Prix: Compete in a tournament against computer controlled airplanes in different circuits .

- 2 Player Battle: Compete against another human player in a split-screen mode .

- Time Attack: Race againts the clock in different circuits .

- Air Plane Museum: Stats of different airplanes .

Manufacturer's description: Features: Third or first person perspectives .

3D graphics Cartoon graphics Planes race theme .


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